Bu hafta çıkış yapacak oyunların arasında birçok bağımsız yapımın yanı sıra multiplayer odaklı Predator: Hunting Grounds oyunu da piyasaya çıkıyor.
Bu hafta da bağımsız oyunlar ile birlikte yine kalabalık bir liste önümüze geliyor. Listenin dikkat çeken oyunu geçen hafta duyurulan XCom: Chimera Squad oldu. Bu hafta erken erişime girecek olan XCom: Chimera Squad dışında listede geçtiğimiz ay sonunda betası ile karşımıza çıkan multiplayer odaklı Predator: Hunting Grounds’ı da görüyoruz. Tam liste ise şu şekilde;
Bu hafta çıkacak oyunlar (20 – 26 Nisan 2020)
20 Nisan Pazartesi
OMG Police – Car Chase TV Simulator | Switch
Legends Of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown | Switch
Shadows | Switch
Car Trader Simulator | Switch
Warp Factor | PC, Mac
Birds Are Real | PC, Mac
Kingdom vs Zombies | PC, Mac
Square Fast | PC, Mac
Oh Frog | PC
Cryptofall: Investor Simulator | PC, Mac
Glare Fall | PC
21 Nisan Salı
Help Will Come Tomorrow | PS4, Switch, PC
Dragon: Marked For Death | PC
Obey Me | PS4, Xbox One, PC
Gato Roboto | Xbox One
Hexplore | PC
Minimalist Space War | PC
The Flower Collectors | PC
No One Live Under The Lighthouse | PC
Bring You Home | PC, Mac
The Shattering | PC
Disobedient Sheep | PC, Mac
22 Nisan Çarşamba
Brutal Rage | Xbox One
Help Will Come Tomorrow | Xbox One
ITTA | Switch, PC
TaniNani | Switch
Guard Duty | Xbox One
Memory Player | PC, Mac
Damn Dolls | PC, Mac
12 Labours Of Hercules X: Greed For Speed | PC, Mac
Color Crush | PC
Tune The Tone | PC
Birth ME Code | PC
23 Nisan Perşembe
MotoGP 20 | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Stadia
Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~ | Switch
112 Operator | PC, Mac
XCOM: Chimera Squad | PC
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition | Switch
Little Busters! Converted Edition | Switch
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack | PS4
Cloudpunk | PC
Picross S4 | Switch
Filament | PC
Aces Of The Multiverse | PS4
Damaged In Transit | Switch
SmileBASIC24 | Switch
Yumeutsutsu Re: After | Switch, PC
Yumeutsutsu Re: Master | Switch
Broken Lines | Switch
Hang The Kings | Switch
eSports Legend | Switch
Timpu’s Treasure | PC, Mac
24 Nisan Cuma
Trials of Mana | PS4, Switch, PC
Predator: Hunting Grounds | PS4, PC
Archaica: The Path of Light | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
Quest Hunter | Xbox One
Doug Hates His Job | Xbox One
Deliver Us The Moon | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
Quern – Undying Thoughts | Xbox One
War Theatre | Xbox One
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition | Xbox One
Spuds Unearthed | PS4
Debtor | Switch
Guard Duty | Switch
Georifters | Xbox One
Nira | PC
Mushroom Cats 2 | PC
One True Cuddle | PC
Chronac | PC
Stress Explosion | PC